This device uses a special totally safe, no pain light therapy to cause the pores in your fat cells to open, and allow the fat to come out.
Here’s a heads up: If you have tried liposuction in the past - you may know that if you regain the weight it goes to different places - making your body look distorted and then unfortunately, you’re back to where you started, only worse.
With the UltraSlim System, we don’t destroy your fat cells. What we do is simply drain the contents of the fat cells so you lose the inches and look good again.
- No Pain
- No Surgery
- No Downtime
- No Dieting
- No Exercise Required
Lose 2” or more of FAT on Your First Visit or You Don’t Pay!*
FDA Clinical trials showed average patients lost 3.5 inches in one 42 minute treatment with the UltraSlim Professional System.
*Guarantee offered to first treatment, new patients, on our full Waistbuster procedure only. If you don’t lose 2” or more of fat in combined measurements, your treatment is FREE.